Class opendal.operator
OpenDAL operator.
opendal.operator:new (string, table) | Construct an operator based on scheme and option. |
opendal.operator:write (string, string) | Blockingly write raw bytes to path. |
opendal.operator:read (string) | Blockingly read raw bytes from path. |
opendal.operator:delete (string) | Blockingly delete the object in path. |
opendal.operator:rename (string, string) | Blockingly rename the object of src to dst. |
opendal.operator:create_dir (string) | Blockingly create the object in path. |
opendal.operator:is_exist (string) | Check whether the path exists. |
opendal.operator:stat (string) | Stat the path, return its metadata. |
- opendal.operator:new (string, table)
Construct an operator based on scheme and option. Uses an table of key-value pairs to initialize
the operator based on provided scheme and options. For each scheme, i.e. Backend,
different options could be set, you may reference the
for each service, especially for the **Configuration Part**.
- string scheme the service scheme you want to specify, e.g. "fs", "s3", "supabase"
- table options the table to the options for this operators
table, error opendal operator table which contain opendal operator instance, error nil if success, others otherwise
- opendal.operator:write (string, string)
Blockingly write raw bytes to path.
Write the bytes into the path blockingly, returns nil if success, others otherwise
- string bytes the bytes to be written
- string bytes the bytes to be written
error nil if success, otherwise error message
- opendal.operator:read (string)
Blockingly read raw bytes from path.
Read the data out from `path` blockingly by operator, returns the string if success, others otherwise
- string path the designated path you want to write your bytes in
string, error read data, error nil if success, otherwise error message
- opendal.operator:delete (string)
Blockingly delete the object in path.
Delete the object in path blockingly, returns error nil
if success, others otherwise
- string path the designated path you want to write your delete
error error nil if success, otherwise error message
- opendal.operator:rename (string, string)
Blockingly rename the object of src to dst.
Rename the object in path blockingly, returns error nil
if success, others otherwise
- string dst the designated path you want to rename your destination path
- string dst the designated path you want to rename your destination path
error error nil if success, otherwise error message
- opendal.operator:create_dir (string)
Blockingly create the object in path.
Create directory the object in path blockingly, returns error nil
if success, others otherwise
- string path the designated path you want to create your directory
error error nil if success, otherwise error message
- opendal.operator:is_exist (string)
Check whether the path exists.
- string path the designated path you want to write your delete
bool, error true or false depend on operator instance and path, error nil if success, otherwise error message
- opendal.operator:stat (string)
Stat the path, return its metadata.
- string ,path the designated path you want to write your delete
table , error opendal.metadata instance table, error nil if success, otherwise error message