Module opendal::docs::rfcs::rfc_0413_presign

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Add presign support in OpenDAL so users can generate a pre-signed URL without leaking serect_key.


By default, all S3 objects are private. Only the object owner has permission to access them. However, the object owner can optionally share objects with others by creating a presigned URL, using their own security credentials, to grant time-limited permission to download the objects.

From Sharing objects using presigned URLs

We can use this presigned URL for:

  • Download the object within the expired time from a bucket directly
  • Upload content to the bucket on client-side

Adding this feature in OpenDAL will make users’ lives easier to generate presigned URLs across different storage services.

The whole process would be:

            │    User    ├─────────────────────┐
            └──┬─────▲───┘                     │
               │     │      4. Send Request to S3 Directly
1. Request Resource  │                         │
               │     │                         │
               │     │                         │
               │     │                         ▼
               │  3. Return Request     ┌────────────┐
               │     │                  │            │
               │     │                  │     S3     │
            ┌──▼─────┴───┐              │            │
            │            │              └────────────┘
            │     App    │
            │ ┌────────┐ │
            │ │ OpenDAL│ │
            │ ├────────┤ │
                 │      ▲
          2. Generate Request

§Guide-level explanation

With this feature, our users can:

§Generate presigned URL for downloading

let req = op.presign_read("path/to/file")?;
// req.method: GET
// req.url:<signature-value>

Users can download this object directly from the s3 bucket. For example:

curl <generated_url> -O test.txt

§Generate presigned URL for uploading

let req = op.presign_write("path/to/file")?;
// req.method: PUT
// req.url:<signature-value>

Users can upload content directly to the s3 bucket. For example:

curl -X PUT <generated_url> -T "/tmp/test.txt"

§Reference-level explanation

Accessor will add a new API presign:

pub trait Accessor {
    fn presign(&self, args: &OpPresign) -> Result<PresignedRequest> {..}

presign accepts OpPresign and returns Result<PresignedRequest>:

struct OpPresign {
    path: String,
    op: Operation,
    expire: time::Duration,

struct PresignedRequest {}

impl PresignedRequest {
    pub fn method(&self) -> &http::Method {..}
    pub fn url(&self) -> &http::Uri {..}

We are building a new struct to avoid leaking underlying implementations like hyper::Request<T> to users.

This feature will be a new capability in AccessorCapability as described in RFC-0409: Accessor Capabilities

Based on Accessor::presign, we will export public APIs in Operator:

impl Operator {
    fn presign_read(&self, path: &str) -> Result<PresignedRequest> {}
    fn presign_write(&self, path: &str) -> Result<PresignedRequest> {}

Although it’s possible to generate URLs for create, delete, stat, and list, there are no obvious use-cases. So we will not add them to this proposal.



§Rationale and alternatives

§Query Sign Support Status

§Prior art

§awscli presign

AWS CLI has native presign support

> aws s3 presign s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/test2.txt

Refer to AWS CLI Command Reference for more information.

§Unresolved questions


§Future possibilities

  • Add stat/list/delete support