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use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
/// Config for Aws S3 and compatible services (including minio, digitalocean space, Tencent Cloud Object Storage(COS) and so on) support.
#[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct S3Config {
/// root of this backend.
/// All operations will happen under this root.
/// default to `/` if not set.
pub root: Option<String>,
/// bucket name of this backend.
/// required.
pub bucket: String,
/// is bucket versioning enabled for this bucket
pub enable_versioning: bool,
/// endpoint of this backend.
/// Endpoint must be full uri, e.g.
/// - AWS S3: `https://s3.amazonaws.com` or `https://s3.{region}.amazonaws.com`
/// - Cloudflare R2: `https://<ACCOUNT_ID>.r2.cloudflarestorage.com`
/// - Aliyun OSS: `https://{region}.aliyuncs.com`
/// - Tencent COS: `https://cos.{region}.myqcloud.com`
/// - Minio: ``
/// If user inputs endpoint without scheme like "s3.amazonaws.com", we
/// will prepend "https://" before it.
/// - If endpoint is set, we will take user's input first.
/// - If not, we will try to load it from environment.
/// - If still not set, default to `https://s3.amazonaws.com`.
pub endpoint: Option<String>,
/// Region represent the signing region of this endpoint. This is required
/// if you are using the default AWS S3 endpoint.
/// If using a custom endpoint,
/// - If region is set, we will take user's input first.
/// - If not, we will try to load it from environment.
pub region: Option<String>,
/// access_key_id of this backend.
/// - If access_key_id is set, we will take user's input first.
/// - If not, we will try to load it from environment.
pub access_key_id: Option<String>,
/// secret_access_key of this backend.
/// - If secret_access_key is set, we will take user's input first.
/// - If not, we will try to load it from environment.
pub secret_access_key: Option<String>,
/// session_token (aka, security token) of this backend.
/// This token will expire after sometime, it's recommended to set session_token
/// by hand.
pub session_token: Option<String>,
/// role_arn for this backend.
/// If `role_arn` is set, we will use already known config as source
/// credential to assume role with `role_arn`.
pub role_arn: Option<String>,
/// external_id for this backend.
pub external_id: Option<String>,
/// role_session_name for this backend.
pub role_session_name: Option<String>,
/// Disable config load so that opendal will not load config from
/// environment.
/// For examples:
/// - envs like `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`
/// - files like `~/.aws/config`
pub disable_config_load: bool,
/// Disable load credential from ec2 metadata.
/// This option is used to disable the default behavior of opendal
/// to load credential from ec2 metadata, a.k.a, IMDSv2
pub disable_ec2_metadata: bool,
/// Allow anonymous will allow opendal to send request without signing
/// when credential is not loaded.
pub allow_anonymous: bool,
/// server_side_encryption for this backend.
/// Available values: `AES256`, `aws:kms`.
pub server_side_encryption: Option<String>,
/// server_side_encryption_aws_kms_key_id for this backend
/// - If `server_side_encryption` set to `aws:kms`, and `server_side_encryption_aws_kms_key_id`
/// is not set, S3 will use aws managed kms key to encrypt data.
/// - If `server_side_encryption` set to `aws:kms`, and `server_side_encryption_aws_kms_key_id`
/// is a valid kms key id, S3 will use the provided kms key to encrypt data.
/// - If the `server_side_encryption_aws_kms_key_id` is invalid or not found, an error will be
/// returned.
/// - If `server_side_encryption` is not `aws:kms`, setting `server_side_encryption_aws_kms_key_id`
/// is a noop.
pub server_side_encryption_aws_kms_key_id: Option<String>,
/// server_side_encryption_customer_algorithm for this backend.
/// Available values: `AES256`.
pub server_side_encryption_customer_algorithm: Option<String>,
/// server_side_encryption_customer_key for this backend.
/// Value: BASE64-encoded key that matches algorithm specified in
/// `server_side_encryption_customer_algorithm`.
pub server_side_encryption_customer_key: Option<String>,
/// Set server_side_encryption_customer_key_md5 for this backend.
/// Value: MD5 digest of key specified in `server_side_encryption_customer_key`.
pub server_side_encryption_customer_key_md5: Option<String>,
/// default storage_class for this backend.
/// Available values:
/// - `GLACIER`
/// - `GLACIER_IR`
/// - `ONEZONE_IA`
/// - `OUTPOSTS`
/// - `STANDARD`
/// S3 compatible services don't support all of them
pub default_storage_class: Option<String>,
/// Enable virtual host style so that opendal will send API requests
/// in virtual host style instead of path style.
/// - By default, opendal will send API to `https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/bucket_name`
/// - Enabled, opendal will send API to `https://bucket_name.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com`
pub enable_virtual_host_style: bool,
/// Set maximum batch operations of this backend.
/// Some compatible services have a limit on the number of operations in a batch request.
/// For example, R2 could return `Internal Error` while batch delete 1000 files.
/// Please tune this value based on services' document.
since = "0.52.0",
note = "Please use `delete_max_size` instead of `batch_max_operations`"
pub batch_max_operations: Option<usize>,
/// Set the maximum delete size of this backend.
/// Some compatible services have a limit on the number of operations in a batch request.
/// For example, R2 could return `Internal Error` while batch delete 1000 files.
/// Please tune this value based on services' document.
pub delete_max_size: Option<usize>,
/// Disable stat with override so that opendal will not send stat request with override queries.
/// For example, R2 doesn't support stat with `response_content_type` query.
pub disable_stat_with_override: bool,
/// Checksum Algorithm to use when sending checksums in HTTP headers.
/// This is necessary when writing to AWS S3 Buckets with Object Lock enabled for example.
/// Available options:
/// - "crc32c"
pub checksum_algorithm: Option<String>,
/// Disable write with if match so that opendal will not send write request with if match headers.
/// For example, Ceph RADOS S3 doesn't support write with if match.
pub disable_write_with_if_match: bool,
/// Enable write with append so that opendal will send write request with append headers.
pub enable_write_with_append: bool,
impl Debug for S3Config {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let mut d = f.debug_struct("S3Config");
d.field("root", &self.root)
.field("bucket", &self.bucket)
.field("endpoint", &self.endpoint)
.field("region", &self.region);