use std::io;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::RwLock;
use log::warn;
use opendal::Operator;
use vhost::vhost_user::message::VhostUserProtocolFeatures;
use vhost::vhost_user::message::VhostUserVirtioFeatures;
use vhost::vhost_user::Backend;
use vhost::vhost_user::Listener;
use vhost_user_backend::VhostUserBackend;
use vhost_user_backend::VhostUserDaemon;
use vhost_user_backend::VringMutex;
use vhost_user_backend::VringState;
use vhost_user_backend::VringT;
use virtio_bindings::bindings::virtio_config::VIRTIO_F_VERSION_1;
use virtio_bindings::bindings::virtio_ring::VIRTIO_RING_F_EVENT_IDX;
use virtio_bindings::bindings::virtio_ring::VIRTIO_RING_F_INDIRECT_DESC;
use virtio_queue::DescriptorChain;
use virtio_queue::QueueOwnedT;
use vm_memory::GuestAddressSpace;
use vm_memory::GuestMemoryAtomic;
use vm_memory::GuestMemoryLoadGuard;
use vm_memory::GuestMemoryMmap;
use vmm_sys_util::epoll::EventSet;
use vmm_sys_util::eventfd::EventFd;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::filesystem::Filesystem;
use crate::virtiofs_util::Reader;
use crate::virtiofs_util::Writer;
const HIPRIO_QUEUE_EVENT: u16 = 0;
const REQ_QUEUE_EVENT: u16 = 1;
const QUEUE_SIZE: usize = 32768;
const REQUEST_QUEUES: usize = 1;
const NUM_QUEUES: usize = REQUEST_QUEUES + 1;
struct VhostUserFsThread {
core: Filesystem,
mem: Option<GuestMemoryAtomic<GuestMemoryMmap>>,
vu_req: Option<Backend>,
event_idx: bool,
kill_event_fd: EventFd,
impl VhostUserFsThread {
fn new(core: Filesystem) -> Result<VhostUserFsThread> {
let event_fd = EventFd::new(libc::EFD_NONBLOCK).map_err(|err| {
new_unexpected_error("failed to create kill eventfd", Some(err.into()))
Ok(VhostUserFsThread {
mem: None,
vu_req: None,
event_idx: false,
kill_event_fd: event_fd,
fn return_descriptor(
vring_state: &mut VringState,
head_index: u16,
event_idx: bool,
len: usize,
) {
if vring_state.add_used(head_index, len as u32).is_err() {
warn!("Failed to add used to used queue.");
if event_idx {
match vring_state.needs_notification() {
Ok(needs_notification) => {
if needs_notification && vring_state.signal_used_queue().is_err() {
warn!("Failed to signal used queue.");
Err(_) => {
if vring_state.signal_used_queue().is_err() {
warn!("Failed to signal used queue.");
} else if vring_state.signal_used_queue().is_err() {
warn!("Failed to signal used queue.");
fn handle_event_serial(&self, device_event: u16, vrings: &[VringMutex]) -> Result<()> {
let mut vring_state = match device_event {
HIPRIO_QUEUE_EVENT => vrings[0].get_mut(),
REQ_QUEUE_EVENT => vrings[1].get_mut(),
_ => return Err(new_unexpected_error("failed to handle unknown event", None)),
if self.event_idx {
loop {
if vring_state.disable_notification().is_err() {
warn!("Failed to disable used queue notification.");
self.process_queue_serial(&mut vring_state)?;
if let Ok(has_more) = vring_state.enable_notification() {
if !has_more {
} else {
warn!("Failed to enable used queue notification.");
} else {
self.process_queue_serial(&mut vring_state)?;
fn process_queue_serial(&self, vring_state: &mut VringState) -> Result<bool> {
let mut used_any = false;
let mem = match &self.mem {
Some(m) => m.memory(),
None => return Err(new_unexpected_error("no memory configured", None)),
let avail_chains: Vec<DescriptorChain<GuestMemoryLoadGuard<GuestMemoryMmap>>> = vring_state
.map_err(|_| new_unexpected_error("iterating through the queue failed", None))?
for chain in avail_chains {
used_any = true;
let head_index = chain.head_index();
let reader = Reader::new(&mem, chain.clone())
.map_err(|_| new_unexpected_error("creating a queue reader failed", None))
let writer = Writer::new(&mem, chain.clone())
.map_err(|_| new_unexpected_error("creating a queue writer failed", None))
let len = self
.handle_message(reader, writer)
.map_err(|_| new_unexpected_error("processing a queue request failed", None))
VhostUserFsThread::return_descriptor(vring_state, head_index, self.event_idx, len);
struct VhostUserFsBackend {
thread: RwLock<VhostUserFsThread>,
impl VhostUserFsBackend {
fn new(core: Filesystem) -> Result<VhostUserFsBackend> {
let thread = RwLock::new(VhostUserFsThread::new(core)?);
Ok(VhostUserFsBackend { thread })
fn kill(&self) -> Result<()> {
.map_err(|err| {
new_unexpected_error("failed to write to kill eventfd", Some(err.into()))
impl VhostUserBackend for VhostUserFsBackend {
type Bitmap = ();
type Vring = VringMutex;
fn num_queues(&self) -> usize {
fn max_queue_size(&self) -> usize {
fn features(&self) -> u64 {
| VhostUserVirtioFeatures::PROTOCOL_FEATURES.bits()
fn protocol_features(&self) -> VhostUserProtocolFeatures {
| VhostUserProtocolFeatures::BACKEND_REQ
| VhostUserProtocolFeatures::BACKEND_SEND_FD
| VhostUserProtocolFeatures::REPLY_ACK
| VhostUserProtocolFeatures::CONFIGURE_MEM_SLOTS
fn set_event_idx(&self, enabled: bool) {
self.thread.write().unwrap().event_idx = enabled;
fn update_memory(&self, mem: GuestMemoryAtomic<GuestMemoryMmap>) -> io::Result<()> {
self.thread.write().unwrap().mem = Some(mem);
fn set_backend_req_fd(&self, vu_req: Backend) {
self.thread.write().unwrap().vu_req = Some(vu_req);
fn exit_event(&self, _thread_index: usize) -> Option<EventFd> {
fn handle_event(
device_event: u16,
evset: EventSet,
vrings: &[Self::Vring],
_thread_id: usize,
) -> io::Result<()> {
if evset != EventSet::IN {
return Err(new_unexpected_error(
"failed to handle event other than input event",
let thread =;
.handle_event_serial(device_event, vrings)
.map_err(|err| err.into())
pub struct VirtioFs {
socket_path: String,
filesystem_backend: Arc<VhostUserFsBackend>,
impl VirtioFs {
pub fn new(core: Operator, socket_path: &str) -> Result<VirtioFs> {
let filesystem_core = Filesystem::new(core);
let filesystem_backend = Arc::new(VhostUserFsBackend::new(filesystem_core).unwrap());
Ok(VirtioFs {
socket_path: socket_path.to_string(),
pub fn run(&self) -> Result<()> {
let listener = Listener::new(&self.socket_path, true)
.map_err(|_| new_unexpected_error("failed to create listener", None))?;
let mut daemon = VhostUserDaemon::new(
if daemon.start(listener).is_err() {
return Err(new_unexpected_error("failed to start daemon", None));
if daemon.wait().is_err() {
return Err(new_unexpected_error("failed to wait daemon", None));
pub fn kill(&self) -> Result<()> {
if self.filesystem_backend.kill().is_err() {
return Err(new_unexpected_error("failed to kill backend", None));