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Apache OpenDAL™ Rust Core: One Layer, All Storage.

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Apache OpenDAL™ is an Open Data Access Layer that enables seamless interaction with diverse storage services.

OpenDAL Architectural


OpenDAL supports the following storage services:

Standard Storage Protocolsftp http sftp webdav
Object Storage Servicesazblob cos gcs obs oss s3
b2 openstack_swift upyun vercel_blob
File Storage Servicesfs alluxio azdls azfile compfs
dbfs gridfs hdfs hdfs_native ipfs webhdfs
Consumer Cloud Storage Servicealiyun_drive gdrive onedrive dropbox icloud koofr
pcloud seafile yandex_disk
Key-Value Storage Servicescacache cloudflare_kv dashmap memory etcd
foundationdb persy redis rocksdb sled
redb tikv atomicserver
Database Storage Servicesd1 mongodb mysql postgresql sqlite surrealdb
Cache Storage Servicesghac memcached mini_moka moka vercel_artifacts
Git Based Storage Serviceshuggingface


OpenDAL supports the following storage layers to extend the behavior:

AsyncBacktraceLayerasync-backtraceAdd Efficient, logical 'stack' traces of async functions for the underlying services.
AwaitTreeLayerawait-treeAdd a Instrument await-tree for actor-based applications to the underlying services.
BlockingLayertokioAdd blocking API support for non-blocking services.
ChaosLayerrandInject chaos into underlying services for robustness test.
ConcurrentLimitLayertokioAdd concurrent request limit.
DtraceLayerprobeSupport User Statically-Defined Tracing(aka USDT) on Linux
LoggingLayerlogAdd log for every operations.
MetricsLayermetricsAdd metrics for every operations.
MimeGuessLayermime_guessAdd Content-Type automatically based on the file extension in the operation path.
FastraceLayerfastraceAdd fastrace for every operations.
OtelMetricsLayer[opentelemetry::metrics]Add opentelemetry::metrics for every operations.
OtelTraceLayeropentelemetry::traceAdd opentelemetry::trace for every operations.
PrometheusClientLayerprometheus_clientAdd prometheus metrics for every operations.
PrometheusLayerprometheusAdd prometheus metrics for every operations.
RetryLayerbackonAdd retry for temporary failed operations.
ThrottleLayergovernorAdd a bandwidth rate limiter to the underlying services.
TimeoutLayertokioAdd timeout for every operations to avoid slow or unexpected hang operations.
TracingLayertracingAdd tracing for every operations.


use opendal::Result;
use opendal::layers::LoggingLayer;
use opendal::services;
use opendal::Operator;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Pick a builder and configure it.
let mut builder = services::S3::default();

// Init an operator
let op = Operator::new(builder)?
// Init with logging layer enabled.

// Write data
op.write("hello.txt", "Hello, World!").await?;

// Read data
let bs ="hello.txt").await?;

// Fetch metadata
let meta = op.stat("hello.txt").await?;
let mode = meta.mode();
let length = meta.content_length();

// Delete



BasicShow how to use opendal to operate storage service.
Concurrent UploadShow how to perform upload concurrently to a storage service.
Multipart UploadShow how to perform a multipart upload to a storage service.


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License and Trademarks

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:

Apache OpenDAL, OpenDAL, and Apache are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.