Apache OpenDALâ„¢ C Binding
The C binding for Apache OpenDALâ„¢
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opendal.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

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struct  opendal_bytes
 opendal_bytes carries raw-bytes with its length More...
struct  opendal_error
 The opendal error type for C binding, containing an error code and corresponding error message. More...
struct  opendal_entry
 opendal_list_entry is the entry under a path, which is listed from the opendal_lister More...
struct  opendal_result_lister_next
 The result type returned by opendal_lister_next(). The list entry is the list result of the list operation, the error field is the error code and error message. If the operation succeeds, the error should be NULL. More...
struct  opendal_lister
 BlockingLister is designed to list entries at given path in a blocking manner. More...
struct  opendal_metadata
 Carries all metadata associated with a path. More...
struct  opendal_operator
 Used to access almost all OpenDAL APIs. It represents an operator that provides the unified interfaces provided by OpenDAL. More...
struct  opendal_result_operator_new
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_new() operation. More...
struct  opendal_operator_options
 The configuration for the initialization of opendal_operator. More...
struct  opendal_result_read
 The result type returned by opendal's read operation. More...
struct  opendal_reader
 The result type returned by opendal's reader operation. More...
struct  opendal_result_operator_reader
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_reader(). The result type for opendal_operator_reader(), the field reader contains the reader of the path, which is an iterator of the objects under the path. the field code represents whether the stat operation is successful. More...
struct  opendal_writer
 The result type returned by opendal's writer operation. More...
struct  opendal_result_operator_writer
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_writer(). The result type for opendal_operator_writer(), the field writer contains the writer of the path, which is an iterator of the objects under the path. the field code represents. More...
struct  opendal_result_is_exist
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_is_exist(). More...
struct  opendal_result_exists
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_exists(). More...
struct  opendal_result_stat
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_stat(). More...
struct  opendal_result_list
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_list(). More...
struct  opendal_operator_info
 Metadata for operator, users can use this metadata to get information of operator. More...
struct  opendal_capability
 Capability is used to describe what operations are supported by current Operator. More...
struct  opendal_result_reader_read
 The is the result type returned by opendal_reader_read(). The result type contains a size field, which is the size of the data read, which is zero on error. The error field is the error code and error message. More...
struct  opendal_result_writer_write
 The result type returned by opendal_writer_write(). The result type contains a size field, which is the size of the data written, which is zero on error. The error field is the error code and error message. More...


typedef enum opendal_code opendal_code
 The error code for all opendal APIs in C binding.
typedef struct opendal_bytes opendal_bytes
 opendal_bytes carries raw-bytes with its length
typedef struct opendal_error opendal_error
 The opendal error type for C binding, containing an error code and corresponding error message.
typedef struct opendal_entry opendal_entry
 opendal_list_entry is the entry under a path, which is listed from the opendal_lister
typedef struct opendal_result_lister_next opendal_result_lister_next
 The result type returned by opendal_lister_next(). The list entry is the list result of the list operation, the error field is the error code and error message. If the operation succeeds, the error should be NULL.
typedef struct opendal_lister opendal_lister
 BlockingLister is designed to list entries at given path in a blocking manner.
typedef struct opendal_metadata opendal_metadata
 Carries all metadata associated with a path.
typedef struct opendal_operator opendal_operator
 Used to access almost all OpenDAL APIs. It represents an operator that provides the unified interfaces provided by OpenDAL.
typedef struct opendal_result_operator_new opendal_result_operator_new
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_new() operation.
typedef struct opendal_operator_options opendal_operator_options
 The configuration for the initialization of opendal_operator.
typedef struct opendal_result_read opendal_result_read
 The result type returned by opendal's read operation.
typedef struct opendal_reader opendal_reader
 The result type returned by opendal's reader operation.
typedef struct opendal_result_operator_reader opendal_result_operator_reader
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_reader(). The result type for opendal_operator_reader(), the field reader contains the reader of the path, which is an iterator of the objects under the path. the field code represents whether the stat operation is successful.
typedef struct opendal_writer opendal_writer
 The result type returned by opendal's writer operation.
typedef struct opendal_result_operator_writer opendal_result_operator_writer
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_writer(). The result type for opendal_operator_writer(), the field writer contains the writer of the path, which is an iterator of the objects under the path. the field code represents.
typedef struct opendal_result_is_exist opendal_result_is_exist
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_is_exist().
typedef struct opendal_result_exists opendal_result_exists
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_exists().
typedef struct opendal_result_stat opendal_result_stat
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_stat().
typedef struct opendal_result_list opendal_result_list
 The result type returned by opendal_operator_list().
typedef struct opendal_operator_info opendal_operator_info
 Metadata for operator, users can use this metadata to get information of operator.
typedef struct opendal_capability opendal_capability
 Capability is used to describe what operations are supported by current Operator.
typedef struct opendal_result_reader_read opendal_result_reader_read
 The is the result type returned by opendal_reader_read(). The result type contains a size field, which is the size of the data read, which is zero on error. The error field is the error code and error message.
typedef struct opendal_result_writer_write opendal_result_writer_write
 The result type returned by opendal_writer_write(). The result type contains a size field, which is the size of the data written, which is zero on error. The error field is the error code and error message.


enum  opendal_code {
 The error code for all opendal APIs in C binding. More...


void opendal_error_free (struct opendal_error *ptr)
 Frees the opendal_error, ok to call on NULL.
struct opendal_result_lister_next opendal_lister_next (struct opendal_lister *self)
 Return the next object to be listed.
void opendal_lister_free (struct opendal_lister *ptr)
 Free the heap-allocated metadata used by opendal_lister.
void opendal_metadata_free (struct opendal_metadata *ptr)
 Free the heap-allocated metadata used by opendal_metadata.
uint64_t opendal_metadata_content_length (const struct opendal_metadata *self)
 Return the content_length of the metadata.
bool opendal_metadata_is_file (const struct opendal_metadata *self)
 Return whether the path represents a file.
bool opendal_metadata_is_dir (const struct opendal_metadata *self)
 Return whether the path represents a directory.
int64_t opendal_metadata_last_modified_ms (const struct opendal_metadata *self)
 Return the last_modified of the metadata, in milliseconds.
void opendal_operator_free (const struct opendal_operator *ptr)
 Free the heap-allocated operator pointed by opendal_operator.
struct opendal_result_operator_new opendal_operator_new (const char *scheme, const struct opendal_operator_options *options)
 Construct an operator based on scheme and options
struct opendal_erroropendal_operator_write (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path, const struct opendal_bytes *bytes)
 Blocking write raw bytes to path.
struct opendal_result_read opendal_operator_read (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
 Blocking read the data from path.
struct opendal_result_operator_reader opendal_operator_reader (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
 Blocking read the data from path.
struct opendal_result_operator_writer opendal_operator_writer (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
 Blocking create a writer for the specified path.
struct opendal_erroropendal_operator_delete (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
 Blocking delete the object in path.
 __attribute__ ((deprecated("Use opendal_operator_exists() instead."))) struct opendal_result_is_exist opendal_operator_is_exist(const struct opendal_operator *op
 Check whether the path exists.
struct opendal_result_exists opendal_operator_exists (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
 Check whether the path exists.
struct opendal_result_stat opendal_operator_stat (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
 Stat the path, return its metadata.
struct opendal_result_list opendal_operator_list (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
 Blocking list the objects in path.
struct opendal_erroropendal_operator_create_dir (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
 Blocking create the directory in path.
struct opendal_erroropendal_operator_rename (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *src, const char *dest)
 Blocking rename the object in path.
struct opendal_erroropendal_operator_copy (const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *src, const char *dest)
 Blocking copy the object in path.
struct opendal_operator_infoopendal_operator_info_new (const struct opendal_operator *op)
 Get information of underlying accessor.
void opendal_operator_info_free (struct opendal_operator_info *ptr)
 Free the heap-allocated opendal_operator_info.
char * opendal_operator_info_get_scheme (const struct opendal_operator_info *self)
 Return the nul-terminated operator's scheme, i.e. service.
char * opendal_operator_info_get_root (const struct opendal_operator_info *self)
 Return the nul-terminated operator's working root path.
char * opendal_operator_info_get_name (const struct opendal_operator_info *self)
 Return the nul-terminated operator backend's name, could be empty if underlying backend has no namespace concept.
struct opendal_capability opendal_operator_info_get_full_capability (const struct opendal_operator_info *self)
 Return the operator's full capability.
struct opendal_capability opendal_operator_info_get_native_capability (const struct opendal_operator_info *self)
 Return the operator's native capability.
void opendal_bytes_free (struct opendal_bytes *ptr)
 Frees the heap memory used by the opendal_bytes.
struct opendal_operator_optionsopendal_operator_options_new (void)
 Construct a heap-allocated opendal_operator_options.
void opendal_operator_options_set (struct opendal_operator_options *self, const char *key, const char *value)
 Set a Key-Value pair inside opendal_operator_options.
void opendal_operator_options_free (struct opendal_operator_options *ptr)
 Free the allocated memory used by [opendal_operator_options].
char * opendal_entry_path (const struct opendal_entry *self)
 Path of entry.
char * opendal_entry_name (const struct opendal_entry *self)
 Name of entry.
void opendal_entry_free (struct opendal_entry *ptr)
 Frees the heap memory used by the opendal_list_entry.
struct opendal_result_reader_read opendal_reader_read (struct opendal_reader *self, uint8_t *buf, uintptr_t len)
 Read data from the reader.
void opendal_reader_free (struct opendal_reader *ptr)
 Frees the heap memory used by the opendal_reader.
struct opendal_result_writer_write opendal_writer_write (struct opendal_writer *self, const struct opendal_bytes *bytes)
 Write data to the writer.
void opendal_writer_free (struct opendal_writer *ptr)
 Frees the heap memory used by the opendal_writer.


const char * path

Typedef Documentation

◆ opendal_bytes

typedef struct opendal_bytes opendal_bytes

opendal_bytes carries raw-bytes with its length

The opendal_bytes type is a C-compatible substitute for Vec type in Rust, it has to be manually freed. You have to call opendal_bytes_free() to free the heap memory to avoid memory leak.

See also

◆ opendal_capability

Capability is used to describe what operations are supported by current Operator.

◆ opendal_code

typedef enum opendal_code opendal_code

The error code for all opendal APIs in C binding.

The error handling is not complete, the error with error message will be added in the future.

◆ opendal_entry

typedef struct opendal_entry opendal_entry

opendal_list_entry is the entry under a path, which is listed from the opendal_lister

For examples, please see the comment section of opendal_operator_list()

See also

◆ opendal_error

typedef struct opendal_error opendal_error

The opendal error type for C binding, containing an error code and corresponding error message.

The normal operations returns a pointer to the opendal_error, and the nullptr normally represents no error has taken placed. If any error has taken place, the caller should check the error code and print the error message.

The error code is represented in opendal_code, which is an enum on different type of errors. The error messages is represented in opendal_bytes, which is a non-null terminated byte array.

1. The error message is on heap, so the error needs to be freed by the caller, by calling opendal_error_free. 2. The error message is not null terminated, so the caller should never use "%s" to print the error message.
See also

◆ opendal_lister

BlockingLister is designed to list entries at given path in a blocking manner.

Users can construct Lister by blocking_list or blocking_scan(currently not supported in C binding)

For examples, please see the comment section of opendal_operator_list()

See also

◆ opendal_metadata

Carries all metadata associated with a path.

The metadata of the "thing" under a path. Please only use the opendal_metadata with our provided API, e.g. opendal_metadata_content_length().

The metadata is also heap-allocated, please call opendal_metadata_free() on this to free the heap memory.
See also

◆ opendal_operator

Used to access almost all OpenDAL APIs. It represents an operator that provides the unified interfaces provided by OpenDAL.

See also
opendal_operator_new This function construct the operator
opendal_operator_free This function frees the heap memory of the operator
The opendal_operator actually owns a pointer to an opendal::BlockingOperator, which is inside the Rust core code.
You may use the field ptr to check whether this is a NULL operator.

◆ opendal_operator_info

Metadata for operator, users can use this metadata to get information of operator.

◆ opendal_operator_options

The configuration for the initialization of opendal_operator.

This is also a heap-allocated struct, please free it after you use it
See also
opendal_operator_new has an example of using opendal_operator_options
opendal_operator_options_new This function construct the operator
opendal_operator_options_free This function frees the heap memory of the operator
opendal_operator_options_set This function allow you to set the options

◆ opendal_reader

The result type returned by opendal's reader operation.

The opendal_reader actually owns a pointer to a opendal::BlockingReader, which is inside the Rust core code.

◆ opendal_result_exists

The result type returned by opendal_operator_exists().

The result type for opendal_operator_exists(), the field exists contains whether the path exists, and the field error contains the corresponding error. If successful, the error field is null.

If the opendal_operator_exists() fails, the exists field will be set to false.

◆ opendal_result_is_exist

The result type returned by opendal_operator_is_exist().

The result type for opendal_operator_is_exist(), the field is_exist contains whether the path exists, and the field error contains the corresponding error. If successful, the error field is null.

If the opendal_operator_is_exist() fails, the is_exist field will be set to false.

◆ opendal_result_list

The result type returned by opendal_operator_list().

The result type for opendal_operator_list(), the field lister contains the lister of the path, which is an iterator of the objects under the path. the field error represents whether the stat operation is successful. If successful, the error field is null.

◆ opendal_result_lister_next

The result type returned by opendal_lister_next(). The list entry is the list result of the list operation, the error field is the error code and error message. If the operation succeeds, the error should be NULL.

Please notice if the lister reaches the end, both the list_entry and error will be NULL.

◆ opendal_result_operator_new

The result type returned by opendal_operator_new() operation.

If the init logic is successful, the op field will be set to a valid pointer, and the error field will be set to null. If the init logic fails, the op field will be set to null, and the error field will be set to a valid pointer with error code and error message.

See also

◆ opendal_result_operator_reader

The result type returned by opendal_operator_reader(). The result type for opendal_operator_reader(), the field reader contains the reader of the path, which is an iterator of the objects under the path. the field code represents whether the stat operation is successful.

◆ opendal_result_operator_writer

The result type returned by opendal_operator_writer(). The result type for opendal_operator_writer(), the field writer contains the writer of the path, which is an iterator of the objects under the path. the field code represents.

◆ opendal_result_read

The result type returned by opendal's read operation.

The result type of read operation in opendal C binding, it contains the data that the read operation returns and an NULL error. If the read operation failed, the data fields should be a nullptr and the error is not NULL.

◆ opendal_result_reader_read

The is the result type returned by opendal_reader_read(). The result type contains a size field, which is the size of the data read, which is zero on error. The error field is the error code and error message.

◆ opendal_result_stat

The result type returned by opendal_operator_stat().

The result type for opendal_operator_stat(), the field meta contains the metadata of the path, the field error represents whether the stat operation is successful. If successful, the error field is null.

◆ opendal_result_writer_write

The result type returned by opendal_writer_write(). The result type contains a size field, which is the size of the data written, which is zero on error. The error field is the error code and error message.

◆ opendal_writer

The result type returned by opendal's writer operation.

The opendal_writer actually owns a pointer to an opendal::BlockingWriter, which is inside the Rust core code.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ opendal_code

The error code for all opendal APIs in C binding.

The error handling is not complete, the error with error message will be added in the future.

returning it back. For example, s3 returns an internal service error.


Underlying service doesn't support this operation.


The config for backend is invalid.


The given path is not found.


The given path doesn't have enough permission for this operation


The given path is a directory.


The given path is not a directory.


The given path already exists thus we failed to the specified operation on it.


Requests that sent to this path is over the limit, please slow down.


The given file paths are same.


The condition of this operation is not match.


The range of the content is not satisfied.

Function Documentation

◆ __attribute__()

__attribute__ ( (deprecated("Use opendal_operator_exists() instead."))  ) const

Check whether the path exists.

If the operation succeeds, no matter the path exists or not, the error should be a nullptr. Otherwise, the field is_exist is filled with false, and the error is set

opThe opendal_operator created previously
pathThe path you want to check existence
See also
Returns opendal_result_is_exist, the is_exist field contains whether the path exists. However, it the operation fails, the is_exist will contain false and the error will be set.


// .. you previously wrote some data to path "/mytest/obj"
opendal_result_is_exist e = opendal_operator_is_exist(op, "/mytest/obj");
assert(e.error == NULL);
// but you previously did **not** write any data to path "/yourtest/obj"
opendal_result_is_exist e = opendal_operator_is_exist(op, "/yourtest/obj");
assert(e.error == NULL);
The result type returned by opendal_operator_is_exist().
Definition opendal.h:353
struct opendal_error * error
Definition opendal.h:361
bool is_exist
Definition opendal.h:357


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the path points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_bytes_free()

void opendal_bytes_free ( struct opendal_bytes ptr)

Frees the heap memory used by the opendal_bytes.

◆ opendal_entry_free()

void opendal_entry_free ( struct opendal_entry ptr)

Frees the heap memory used by the opendal_list_entry.

◆ opendal_entry_name()

char * opendal_entry_name ( const struct opendal_entry self)

Name of entry.

Name is the last segment of path. If this entry is a dir, Name MUST endswith / Otherwise, Name MUST NOT endswith /.

To free the string, you can directly call free()

◆ opendal_entry_path()

char * opendal_entry_path ( const struct opendal_entry self)

Path of entry.

Path is relative to operator's root. Only valid in current operator.

To free the string, you can directly call free()

◆ opendal_error_free()

void opendal_error_free ( struct opendal_error ptr)

Frees the opendal_error, ok to call on NULL.

◆ opendal_lister_free()

void opendal_lister_free ( struct opendal_lister ptr)

Free the heap-allocated metadata used by opendal_lister.

◆ opendal_lister_next()

struct opendal_result_lister_next opendal_lister_next ( struct opendal_lister self)

Return the next object to be listed.

Lister is an iterator of the objects under its path, this method is the same as calling next() on the iterator

For examples, please see the comment section of opendal_operator_list()

See also

◆ opendal_metadata_content_length()

uint64_t opendal_metadata_content_length ( const struct opendal_metadata self)

Return the content_length of the metadata.


// ... previously you wrote "Hello, World!" to path "/testpath"
assert(s.error == NULL);
assert(opendal_metadata_content_length(meta) == 13);
struct opendal_result_stat opendal_operator_stat(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
Stat the path, return its metadata.
uint64_t opendal_metadata_content_length(const struct opendal_metadata *self)
Return the content_length of the metadata.
Carries all metadata associated with a path.
Definition opendal.h:194
The result type returned by opendal_operator_stat().
Definition opendal.h:392
struct opendal_metadata * meta
Definition opendal.h:396
struct opendal_error * error
Definition opendal.h:400

◆ opendal_metadata_free()

void opendal_metadata_free ( struct opendal_metadata ptr)

Free the heap-allocated metadata used by opendal_metadata.

◆ opendal_metadata_is_dir()

bool opendal_metadata_is_dir ( const struct opendal_metadata self)

Return whether the path represents a directory.


// ... previously you wrote "Hello, World!" to path "/testpath"
assert(s.error == NULL);
// this is not a directory
bool opendal_metadata_is_dir(const struct opendal_metadata *self)
Return whether the path represents a directory.
This is not a very clear example. A clearer example will be added after we support opendal_operator_mkdir()

◆ opendal_metadata_is_file()

bool opendal_metadata_is_file ( const struct opendal_metadata self)

Return whether the path represents a file.


// ... previously you wrote "Hello, World!" to path "/testpath"
assert(s.error == NULL);
bool opendal_metadata_is_file(const struct opendal_metadata *self)
Return whether the path represents a file.

◆ opendal_metadata_last_modified_ms()

int64_t opendal_metadata_last_modified_ms ( const struct opendal_metadata self)

Return the last_modified of the metadata, in milliseconds.


// ... previously you wrote "Hello, World!" to path "/testpath"
assert(s.error == NULL);
int64_t opendal_metadata_last_modified_ms(const struct opendal_metadata *self)
Return the last_modified of the metadata, in milliseconds.

◆ opendal_operator_copy()

struct opendal_error * opendal_operator_copy ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  src,
const char *  dest 

Blocking copy the object in path.

Copy the object in src to dest blocking by op. Error is NULL if successful, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.

opThe opendal_operator created previously
srcThe designated source path you want to copy
destThe designated destination path you want to copy
See also
NULL if succeeds, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.


Following is an example

//...prepare your opendal_operator, named op for example
// prepare your data
char* data = "Hello, World!";
opendal_bytes bytes = opendal_bytes { .data = (uint8_t*)data, .len = 13 };
opendal_error *error = opendal_operator_write(op, "/testpath", bytes);
assert(error == NULL);
// now you can rename!
opendal_error *error = opendal_operator_copy(op, "/testpath", "/testpath2");
// Assert that this succeeds
assert(error == NULL);
struct opendal_error * opendal_operator_write(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path, const struct opendal_bytes *bytes)
Blocking write raw bytes to path.
struct opendal_error * opendal_operator_copy(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *src, const char *dest)
Blocking copy the object in path.
opendal_bytes carries raw-bytes with its length
Definition opendal.h:93
uint8_t * data
Definition opendal.h:97
The opendal error type for C binding, containing an error code and corresponding error message.
Definition opendal.h:127


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the src or dest points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_operator_create_dir()

struct opendal_error * opendal_operator_create_dir ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  path 

Blocking create the directory in path.

Create the directory in path blocking by op_ptr. Error is NULL if successful, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.

opThe opendal_operator created previously
pathThe designated directory you want to create
See also
NULL if succeeds, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.


Following is an example

//...prepare your opendal_operator, named op for example
// create your directory
opendal_error *error = opendal_operator_create_dir(op, "/testdir/");
// Assert that this succeeds
assert(error == NULL);
struct opendal_error * opendal_operator_create_dir(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
Blocking create the directory in path.


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the path points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_operator_delete()

struct opendal_error * opendal_operator_delete ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  path 

Blocking delete the object in path.

Delete the object in path blocking by op_ptr. Error is NULL if successful, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.

opThe opendal_operator created previously
pathThe designated path you want to delete
See also
NULL if succeeds, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.


Following is an example

//...prepare your opendal_operator, named op for example
// prepare your data
char* data = "Hello, World!";
opendal_bytes bytes = opendal_bytes { .data = (uint8_t*)data, .len = 13 };
opendal_error *error = opendal_operator_write(op, "/testpath", bytes);
assert(error == NULL);
// now you can delete!
opendal_error *error = opendal_operator_delete(op, "/testpath");
// Assert that this succeeds
assert(error == NULL);
struct opendal_error * opendal_operator_delete(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
Blocking delete the object in path.


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the path points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_operator_exists()

struct opendal_result_exists opendal_operator_exists ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  path 

Check whether the path exists.

If the operation succeeds, no matter the path exists or not, the error should be a nullptr. Otherwise, the field exists is filled with false, and the error is set

opThe opendal_operator created previously
pathThe path you want to check existence
See also
Returns opendal_result_exists, the exists field contains whether the path exists. However, it the operation fails, the exists will contain false and the error will be set.


// .. you previously wrote some data to path "/mytest/obj"
assert(e.error == NULL);
// but you previously did **not** write any data to path "/yourtest/obj"
assert(e.error == NULL);
struct opendal_result_exists opendal_operator_exists(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
Check whether the path exists.
The result type returned by opendal_operator_exists().
Definition opendal.h:374
bool exists
Definition opendal.h:378
struct opendal_error * error
Definition opendal.h:382


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the path points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_operator_free()

void opendal_operator_free ( const struct opendal_operator ptr)

Free the heap-allocated operator pointed by opendal_operator.

Please only use this for a pointer pointing at a valid opendal_operator. Calling this function on NULL does nothing, but calling this function on pointers of other type will lead to segfault.


// ... use this op, maybe some reads and writes
// free this operator
void opendal_operator_free(const struct opendal_operator *ptr)
Free the heap-allocated operator pointed by opendal_operator.
struct opendal_result_operator_new opendal_operator_new(const char *scheme, const struct opendal_operator_options *options)
Construct an operator based on scheme and options
Used to access almost all OpenDAL APIs. It represents an operator that provides the unified interface...
Definition opendal.h:215

◆ opendal_operator_info_free()

void opendal_operator_info_free ( struct opendal_operator_info ptr)

Free the heap-allocated opendal_operator_info.

◆ opendal_operator_info_get_full_capability()

struct opendal_capability opendal_operator_info_get_full_capability ( const struct opendal_operator_info self)

Return the operator's full capability.

◆ opendal_operator_info_get_name()

char * opendal_operator_info_get_name ( const struct opendal_operator_info self)

Return the nul-terminated operator backend's name, could be empty if underlying backend has no namespace concept.

: The string is on heap, remember to free it

◆ opendal_operator_info_get_native_capability()

struct opendal_capability opendal_operator_info_get_native_capability ( const struct opendal_operator_info self)

Return the operator's native capability.

◆ opendal_operator_info_get_root()

char * opendal_operator_info_get_root ( const struct opendal_operator_info self)

Return the nul-terminated operator's working root path.

: The string is on heap, remember to free it

◆ opendal_operator_info_get_scheme()

char * opendal_operator_info_get_scheme ( const struct opendal_operator_info self)

Return the nul-terminated operator's scheme, i.e. service.

: The string is on heap, remember to free it

◆ opendal_operator_info_new()

struct opendal_operator_info * opendal_operator_info_new ( const struct opendal_operator op)

Get information of underlying accessor.


char *scheme;
assert(!strcmp(scheme, "memory"));
char * opendal_operator_info_get_scheme(const struct opendal_operator_info *self)
Return the nul-terminated operator's scheme, i.e. service.
void opendal_operator_info_free(struct opendal_operator_info *ptr)
Free the heap-allocated opendal_operator_info.
struct opendal_operator_info * opendal_operator_info_new(const struct opendal_operator *op)
Get information of underlying accessor.
Metadata for operator, users can use this metadata to get information of operator.
Definition opendal.h:425

◆ opendal_operator_list()

struct opendal_result_list opendal_operator_list ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  path 

Blocking list the objects in path.

List the object in path blocking by op_ptr, return a result with an opendal_lister. Users should call opendal_lister_next() on the lister.

opThe opendal_operator created previously
pathThe designated path you want to list
See also
Returns opendal_result_list, containing a lister and an opendal_error. If the operation succeeds, the lister field would hold a valid lister and the error field should hold nullptr. Otherwise, the listerwill contain a NULL pointer, i.e. invalid, and theerror` will be set correspondingly.


Following is an example

// You have written some data into some files path "root/dir1"
// Your opendal_operator was called op
assert(l.error == ERROR);
opendal_lister *lister = l.lister;
opendal_list_entry *entry;
while ((entry = opendal_lister_next(lister)) != NULL) {
const char* de_path = opendal_list_entry_path(entry);
const char* de_name = opendal_list_entry_name(entry);
// ...... your operations
// remember to free the entry after you are done using it
// and remember to free the lister
struct opendal_result_lister_next opendal_lister_next(struct opendal_lister *self)
Return the next object to be listed.
void opendal_lister_free(struct opendal_lister *ptr)
Free the heap-allocated metadata used by opendal_lister.
struct opendal_result_list opendal_operator_list(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
Blocking list the objects in path.
BlockingLister is designed to list entries at given path in a blocking manner.
Definition opendal.h:175
The result type returned by opendal_operator_list().
Definition opendal.h:410
struct opendal_lister * lister
Definition opendal.h:414
struct opendal_error * error
Definition opendal.h:418


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the path points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_operator_new()

struct opendal_result_operator_new opendal_operator_new ( const char *  scheme,
const struct opendal_operator_options options 

Construct an operator based on scheme and options

Uses an array of key-value pairs to initialize the operator based on provided scheme and options. For each scheme, i.e. Backend, different options could be set, you may reference the documentation for each service, especially for the Configuration Part.

schemethe service scheme you want to specify, e.g. "fs", "s3"
optionsthe pointer to the options for this operator, it could be NULL, which means no option is set
See also
A valid opendal_result_operator_new setup with the scheme and options is the construction succeeds. On success the operator field is a valid pointer to a newly allocated opendal_operator, and the error field is NULL. Otherwise, the operator field is a NULL pointer and the error field.


Following is an example.

// Allocate a new options
// Set the options you need
opendal_operator_options_set(options, "root", "/myroot");
// Construct the operator based on the options and scheme
opendal_operator* op = result.op;
// you could free the options right away since the options is not used afterwards
// ... your operations
void opendal_operator_options_free(struct opendal_operator_options *ptr)
Free the allocated memory used by [opendal_operator_options].
void opendal_operator_options_set(struct opendal_operator_options *self, const char *key, const char *value)
Set a Key-Value pair inside opendal_operator_options.
struct opendal_operator_options * opendal_operator_options_new(void)
Construct a heap-allocated opendal_operator_options.
The configuration for the initialization of opendal_operator.
Definition opendal.h:256
The result type returned by opendal_operator_new() operation.
Definition opendal.h:235
struct opendal_operator * op
Definition opendal.h:239


The only unsafe case is passing an invalid c string pointer to the scheme argument.

◆ opendal_operator_options_free()

void opendal_operator_options_free ( struct opendal_operator_options ptr)

Free the allocated memory used by [opendal_operator_options].

◆ opendal_operator_options_new()

struct opendal_operator_options * opendal_operator_options_new ( void  )

Construct a heap-allocated opendal_operator_options.

An empty opendal_operator_option, which could be set by opendal_operator_option_set().
See also

◆ opendal_operator_options_set()

void opendal_operator_options_set ( struct opendal_operator_options self,
const char *  key,
const char *  value 

Set a Key-Value pair inside opendal_operator_options.


This function is unsafe because it dereferences and casts the raw pointers Make sure the pointer of key and value point to a valid string.


opendal_operator_options_set(options, "root", "/myroot");
// .. use your opendal_operator_options

◆ opendal_operator_read()

struct opendal_result_read opendal_operator_read ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  path 

Blocking read the data from path.

Read the data out from path blocking by operator.

opThe opendal_operator created previously
pathThe path you want to read the data out
See also
Returns opendal_result_read, the data field is a pointer to a newly allocated opendal_bytes, the error field contains the error. If the error is not NULL, then the operation failed and the data field is a nullptr.
If the read operation succeeds, the returned opendal_bytes is newly allocated on heap. After your usage of that, please call opendal_bytes_free() to free the space.


Following is an example

// ... you have write "Hello, World!" to path "/testpath"
assert(r.error == NULL);
opendal_bytes bytes = r.data;
assert(bytes.len == 13);
struct opendal_result_read opendal_operator_read(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
Blocking read the data from path.
void opendal_bytes_free(struct opendal_bytes *ptr)
Frees the heap memory used by the opendal_bytes.
uintptr_t len
Definition opendal.h:101
The result type returned by opendal's read operation.
Definition opendal.h:272
struct opendal_bytes data
Definition opendal.h:276
struct opendal_error * error
Definition opendal.h:280


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the path points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_operator_reader()

struct opendal_result_operator_reader opendal_operator_reader ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  path 

Blocking read the data from path.

Read the data out from path blocking by operator, returns an opendal_result_read with error code.

opThe opendal_operator created previously
pathThe path you want to read the data out
See also
Returns opendal_code
If the read operation succeeds, the returned opendal_bytes is newly allocated on heap. After your usage of that, please call opendal_bytes_free() to free the space.


Following is an example

// ... you have created an operator named op
assert(result.error == NULL);
// The reader is in result.reader
opendal_reader *reader = result.reader;
struct opendal_result_operator_reader opendal_operator_reader(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
Blocking read the data from path.
The result type returned by opendal's reader operation.
Definition opendal.h:289
The result type returned by opendal_operator_reader(). The result type for opendal_operator_reader(),...
Definition opendal.h:303
struct opendal_error * error
Definition opendal.h:311
struct opendal_reader * reader
Definition opendal.h:307


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the path points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_operator_rename()

struct opendal_error * opendal_operator_rename ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  src,
const char *  dest 

Blocking rename the object in path.

Rename the object in src to dest blocking by op. Error is NULL if successful, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.

opThe opendal_operator created previously
srcThe designated source path you want to rename
destThe designated destination path you want to rename
See also
NULL if succeeds, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.


Following is an example

//...prepare your opendal_operator, named op for example
// prepare your data
char* data = "Hello, World!";
opendal_bytes bytes = opendal_bytes { .data = (uint8_t*)data, .len = 13 };
opendal_error *error = opendal_operator_write(op, "/testpath", bytes);
assert(error == NULL);
// now you can rename!
opendal_error *error = opendal_operator_rename(op, "/testpath", "/testpath2");
// Assert that this succeeds
assert(error == NULL);
struct opendal_error * opendal_operator_rename(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *src, const char *dest)
Blocking rename the object in path.


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the src or dest points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_operator_stat()

struct opendal_result_stat opendal_operator_stat ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  path 

Stat the path, return its metadata.

Error is NULL if successful, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.

opThe opendal_operator created previously
pathThe path you want to stat
See also
Returns opendal_result_stat, containing a metadata and an opendal_error. If the operation succeeds, the meta field would hold a valid metadata and the error field should hold nullptr. Otherwise, the metadata will contain a NULL pointer, i.e. invalid, and the error will be set correspondingly.


// ... previously you wrote "Hello, World!" to path "/testpath"
assert(s.error == NULL);
const opendal_metadata *meta = s.meta;
// ... you could now use your metadata, notice that please only access metadata
// using the APIs provided by OpenDAL


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the path points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_operator_write()

struct opendal_error * opendal_operator_write ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  path,
const struct opendal_bytes bytes 

Blocking write raw bytes to path.

Write the bytes into the path blocking by op_ptr. Error is NULL if successful, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.

It is important to notice that the bytes that is passes in will be consumed by this function. Therefore, you should not use the bytes after this function returns.
opThe opendal_operator created previously
pathThe designated path you want to write your bytes in
bytesThe opendal_byte typed bytes to be written
See also
NULL if succeeds, otherwise it contains the error code and error message.


Following is an example

//...prepare your opendal_operator, named op for example
// prepare your data
char* data = "Hello, World!";
opendal_bytes bytes = opendal_bytes { .data = (uint8_t*)data, .len = 13 };
// now you can write!
opendal_error *err = opendal_operator_write(op, "/testpath", bytes);
// Assert that this succeeds
assert(err == NULL);


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.
  • The bytes provided has valid byte in the data field and the len field is set correctly.


  • If the path points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_operator_writer()

struct opendal_result_operator_writer opendal_operator_writer ( const struct opendal_operator op,
const char *  path 

Blocking create a writer for the specified path.

This function prepares a writer that can be used to write data to the specified path using the provided operator. If successful, it returns a valid writer; otherwise, it returns an error.

opThe opendal_operator created previously
pathThe designated path where the writer will be used
See also
Returns opendal_result_operator_writer, containing a writer and an opendal_error. If the operation succeeds, the writer field holds a valid writer and the error field is null. Otherwise, the writer will be null and the error will be set correspondingly.


Following is an example

//...prepare your opendal_operator, named op for example
assert(result.error == NULL);
opendal_writer *writer = result.writer;
// Use the writer to write data...
struct opendal_result_operator_writer opendal_operator_writer(const struct opendal_operator *op, const char *path)
Blocking create a writer for the specified path.
The result type returned by opendal_operator_writer(). The result type for opendal_operator_writer(),...
Definition opendal.h:332
struct opendal_writer * writer
Definition opendal.h:336
struct opendal_error * error
Definition opendal.h:340
The result type returned by opendal's writer operation.
Definition opendal.h:319


It is safe under the cases below

  • The memory pointed to by path must contain a valid nul terminator at the end of the string.


  • If the path points to NULL, this function panics, i.e. exits with information

◆ opendal_reader_free()

void opendal_reader_free ( struct opendal_reader ptr)

Frees the heap memory used by the opendal_reader.

◆ opendal_reader_read()

struct opendal_result_reader_read opendal_reader_read ( struct opendal_reader self,
uint8_t *  buf,
uintptr_t  len 

Read data from the reader.

◆ opendal_writer_free()

void opendal_writer_free ( struct opendal_writer ptr)

Frees the heap memory used by the opendal_writer.

This function make sure all data have been stored.

◆ opendal_writer_write()

struct opendal_result_writer_write opendal_writer_write ( struct opendal_writer self,
const struct opendal_bytes bytes 

Write data to the writer.

Variable Documentation

◆ path

const char* path