opendal-0.1.0: Apache OpenDAL™ Haskell Binding
Copyright(c) 2023 Apache OpenDAL
MaintainerOpenDAL Contributors <>"
Portabilitynon - portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides Haskell bindings for Apache OpenDAL.


Operator APIs


data OperatorConfig Source #

OperatorConfig is the configuration for an Operator. We recommend using OverloadedStrings to construct a default config.

For example:

default config

newOperator "memory"

custom services config

newOperator "memory" {ocConfig = HashMap.fromList [("root", "/tmp")]}

enable logging

newOperator "memory" {ocLogAction = Just simpleMessageAction}




  • ocScheme :: String

    The scheme of the operator. For example, "s3" or "gcs".

  • ocConfig :: HashMap String String

    The config for the operator services. For example, "endpoint" and "access_key_id" for s3. The config is same as rust core.

  • ocLogAction :: Maybe (LogAction IO Message)

    The log action for the operator. If it's Nothing, the operator won't enable logging.


Instances details
IsString OperatorConfig Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


fromString :: String -> OperatorConfig

data Operator Source #

Operator is the entry for all public blocking APIs. Create an Operator with newOperator.


Instances details
Monad m => MonadReader Operator (OperatorT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


ask :: OperatorT m Operator

local :: (Operator -> Operator) -> OperatorT m a -> OperatorT m a

reader :: (Operator -> a) -> OperatorT m a

data Lister Source #

Lister is designed to list entries at given path in a blocking manner. Users can construct Lister by listOp or scanOp.

data OpenDALError Source #

Represents an error that can occur when using OpenDAL.





Instances details
Show OpenDALError Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


showsPrec :: Int -> OpenDALError -> ShowS

show :: OpenDALError -> String

showList :: [OpenDALError] -> ShowS

Eq OpenDALError Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


(==) :: OpenDALError -> OpenDALError -> Bool

(/=) :: OpenDALError -> OpenDALError -> Bool

Monad m => MonadError OpenDALError (OperatorT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL

data ErrorCode Source #

Represents the possible error codes that can be returned by OpenDAL.



An error occurred in the FFI layer.


OpenDAL don't know what happened here, and no actions other than just returning it back. For example, s3 returns an internal service error.


Underlying service doesn't support this operation.


The config for backend is invalid.


The given path is not found.


The given path doesn't have enough permission for this operation.


The given path is a directory.


The given path is not a directory.


The given path already exists thus we failed to the specified operation on it.


Requests that sent to this path is over the limit, please slow down.


The given file paths are same.


Instances details
Show ErrorCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


showsPrec :: Int -> ErrorCode -> ShowS

show :: ErrorCode -> String

showList :: [ErrorCode] -> ShowS

Eq ErrorCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


(==) :: ErrorCode -> ErrorCode -> Bool

(/=) :: ErrorCode -> ErrorCode -> Bool

data EntryMode Source #

Represents the mode of an entry in a storage system (e.g., file or directory).




Instances details
Show EntryMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


showsPrec :: Int -> EntryMode -> ShowS

show :: EntryMode -> String

showList :: [EntryMode] -> ShowS

Eq EntryMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


(==) :: EntryMode -> EntryMode -> Bool

(/=) :: EntryMode -> EntryMode -> Bool

data Metadata Source #

Represents metadata for an entry in a storage system.





Instances details
Show Metadata Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


showsPrec :: Int -> Metadata -> ShowS

show :: Metadata -> String

showList :: [Metadata] -> ShowS

Eq Metadata Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


(==) :: Metadata -> Metadata -> Bool

(/=) :: Metadata -> Metadata -> Bool

newtype OperatorT m a Source #

newtype wrapper ReaderT that keeps Operator in its context.





Instances details
MonadTrans OperatorT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


lift :: Monad m => m a -> OperatorT m a

Monad m => MonadError OpenDALError (OperatorT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL

Monad m => MonadReader Operator (OperatorT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


ask :: OperatorT m Operator

local :: (Operator -> Operator) -> OperatorT m a -> OperatorT m a

reader :: (Operator -> a) -> OperatorT m a

MonadIO m => MonadIO (OperatorT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


liftIO :: IO a -> OperatorT m a #

Monad m => Applicative (OperatorT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


pure :: a -> OperatorT m a #

(<*>) :: OperatorT m (a -> b) -> OperatorT m a -> OperatorT m b

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> OperatorT m a -> OperatorT m b -> OperatorT m c

(*>) :: OperatorT m a -> OperatorT m b -> OperatorT m b

(<*) :: OperatorT m a -> OperatorT m b -> OperatorT m a

Functor m => Functor (OperatorT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


fmap :: (a -> b) -> OperatorT m a -> OperatorT m b #

(<$) :: a -> OperatorT m b -> OperatorT m a #

Monad m => Monad (OperatorT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


(>>=) :: OperatorT m a -> (a -> OperatorT m b) -> OperatorT m b

(>>) :: OperatorT m a -> OperatorT m b -> OperatorT m b

return :: a -> OperatorT m a #

MonadIO m => MonadOperation (OperatorT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


readOp :: String -> OperatorT m ByteString Source #

writeOp :: String -> ByteString -> OperatorT m () Source #

isExistOp :: String -> OperatorT m Bool Source #

createDirOp :: String -> OperatorT m () Source #

copyOp :: String -> String -> OperatorT m () Source #

renameOp :: String -> String -> OperatorT m () Source #

deleteOp :: String -> OperatorT m () Source #

statOp :: String -> OperatorT m Metadata Source #

listOp :: String -> OperatorT m Lister Source #

scanOp :: String -> OperatorT m Lister Source #

class Monad m => MonadOperation m where Source #

A type class for monads that can perform OpenDAL operations.


readOp :: String -> m ByteString Source #

Read the whole path into a bytes.

writeOp :: String -> ByteString -> m () Source #

Write bytes into given path.

isExistOp :: String -> m Bool Source #

Check if this path exists or not.

createDirOp :: String -> m () Source #

Create a dir at given path.

copyOp :: String -> String -> m () Source #

Copy a file from srcPath to dstPath.

renameOp :: String -> String -> m () Source #

Rename a file from srcPath to dstPath.

deleteOp :: String -> m () Source #

Delete given path.

statOp :: String -> m Metadata Source #

Get given path’s metadata without cache directly.

listOp :: String -> m Lister Source #

List current dir path. This function will create a new handle to list entries. An error will be returned if path doesn’t end with /.

scanOp :: String -> m Lister Source #

List dir in flat way. Also, this function can be used to list a prefix. An error will be returned if given path doesn’t end with /.


Instances details
MonadIO m => MonadOperation (OperatorT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OpenDAL


readOp :: String -> OperatorT m ByteString Source #

writeOp :: String -> ByteString -> OperatorT m () Source #

isExistOp :: String -> OperatorT m Bool Source #

createDirOp :: String -> OperatorT m () Source #

copyOp :: String -> String -> OperatorT m () Source #

renameOp :: String -> String -> OperatorT m () Source #

deleteOp :: String -> OperatorT m () Source #

statOp :: String -> OperatorT m Metadata Source #

listOp :: String -> OperatorT m Lister Source #

scanOp :: String -> OperatorT m Lister Source #


runOp :: Operator -> OperatorT m a -> m (Either OpenDALError a) Source #

Runner for OperatorT monad. This function will run given OperatorT monad with given Operator.

Let's see an example:

operation :: MonadOperation m => m ()
operation = do
   writeOp op "key1" "value1"
   writeOp op "key2" "value2"
   value1 <- readOp op "key1"
   value2 <- readOp op "key2"

You can run this operation with runOp function:

runOp operator operation

newOperator :: OperatorConfig -> IO (Either OpenDALError Operator) Source #

Creates a new OpenDAL operator via OperatorConfig.

Lister APIs

nextLister :: Lister -> IO (Either OpenDALError (Maybe String)) Source #

Get next entry path from Lister.

Operator Raw APIs

Functions for performing raw OpenDAL operations are defined below. These functions are not meant to be used directly in most cases. Instead, use the high-level interface provided by the MonadOperation type class.

readOpRaw :: Operator -> String -> IO (Either OpenDALError ByteString) Source #

Read the whole path into a bytes.

writeOpRaw :: Operator -> String -> ByteString -> IO (Either OpenDALError ()) Source #

Write bytes into given path.

isExistOpRaw :: Operator -> String -> IO (Either OpenDALError Bool) Source #

Check if this path exists or not.

createDirOpRaw :: Operator -> String -> IO (Either OpenDALError ()) Source #

Create a dir at given path.

copyOpRaw :: Operator -> String -> String -> IO (Either OpenDALError ()) Source #

Copy a file from srcPath to dstPath.

renameOpRaw :: Operator -> String -> String -> IO (Either OpenDALError ()) Source #

Rename a file from srcPath to dstPath.

deleteOpRaw :: Operator -> String -> IO (Either OpenDALError ()) Source #

Delete given path.

statOpRaw :: Operator -> String -> IO (Either OpenDALError Metadata) Source #

Get given path’s metadata without cache directly.

listOpRaw :: Operator -> String -> IO (Either OpenDALError Lister) Source #

List current dir path. This function will create a new handle to list entries. An error will be returned if path doesn’t end with /.

scanOpRaw :: Operator -> String -> IO (Either OpenDALError Lister) Source #

List dir in flat way. Also, this function can be used to list a prefix. An error will be returned if given path doesn’t end with /.