Capability is used to describe what operations are supported by the current Operator.

Via capability, we can know:

  • Whether current Operator supports read or not.
  • Whether current Operator supports read with if match or not.
  • What's current Operator max supports batch operations count.

Add fields of Capabilities to be public and can be accessed directly.



  • get batch(): boolean
  • If operator supports batch.

    Returns boolean

  • get batchDelete(): boolean
  • If operator supports batch delete.

    Returns boolean

  • get batchMaxOperations(): null | bigint
  • The max operations that operator supports in batch.

    Returns null | bigint

  • get blocking(): boolean
  • If operator supports blocking.

    Returns boolean

  • get copy(): boolean
  • If operator supports copy.

    Returns boolean

  • get createDir(): boolean
  • If operator supports create dir.

    Returns boolean

  • get delete(): boolean
  • If operator supports delete.

    Returns boolean

  • get list(): boolean
  • If operator supports list.

    Returns boolean

  • get listWithLimit(): boolean
  • If backend supports list with limit.

    Returns boolean

  • get listWithRecursive(): boolean
  • If backend supports list with recursive.

    Returns boolean

  • get listWithStartAfter(): boolean
  • If backend supports list with start after.

    Returns boolean

  • get presign(): boolean
  • If operator supports presign.

    Returns boolean

  • get presignRead(): boolean
  • If operator supports presign read.

    Returns boolean

  • get presignStat(): boolean
  • If operator supports presign stat.

    Returns boolean

  • get presignWrite(): boolean
  • If operator supports presign write.

    Returns boolean

  • get read(): boolean
  • If operator supports read.

    Returns boolean

  • get readWithIfMatch(): boolean
  • If operator supports read with if matched.

    Returns boolean

  • get readWithIfNoneMatch(): boolean
  • If operator supports read with if not match.

    Returns boolean

  • get readWithOverrideCacheControl(): boolean
  • if operator supports read with override cache control.

    Returns boolean

  • get readWithOverrideContentDisposition(): boolean
  • if operator supports read with override content disposition.

    Returns boolean

  • get readWithOverrideContentType(): boolean
  • if operator supports read with override content type.

    Returns boolean

  • get rename(): boolean
  • If operator supports rename.

    Returns boolean

  • get stat(): boolean
  • If operator supports stat.

    Returns boolean

  • get statWithIfMatch(): boolean
  • If operator supports stat with if matched.

    Returns boolean

  • get statWithIfNoneMatch(): boolean
  • If operator supports stat with if not match.

    Returns boolean

  • get write(): boolean
  • If operator supports write.

    Returns boolean

  • get writeCanAppend(): boolean
  • If operator supports write by append.

    Returns boolean

  • get writeCanEmpty(): boolean
  • If operator supports write with empty content.

    Returns boolean

  • get writeCanMulti(): boolean
  • If operator supports write can be called in multi times.

    Returns boolean

  • get writeMultiAlignSize(): null | bigint
  • write_multi_align_size is the align size that services required in write_multi.

    For example, Google GCS requires align size to 256KiB in write_multi.

    Returns null | bigint

  • get writeMultiMaxSize(): null | bigint
  • write_multi_max_size is the max size that services support in write_multi.

    For example, AWS S3 supports 5GiB as max in write_multi.

    Returns null | bigint

  • get writeMultiMinSize(): null | bigint
  • write_multi_min_size is the min size that services support in write_multi.

    For example, AWS S3 requires at least 5MiB in write_multi expect the last one.

    Returns null | bigint

  • get writeTotalMaxSize(): null | bigint
  • write_total_max_size is the max size that services support in write_total.

    For example, Cloudflare D1 supports 1MB as max in write_total.

    Returns null | bigint

  • get writeWithCacheControl(): boolean
  • If operator supports write with cache control.

    Returns boolean

  • get writeWithContentDisposition(): boolean
  • If operator supports write with content disposition.

    Returns boolean

  • get writeWithContentType(): boolean
  • If operator supports write with content type.

    Returns boolean

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