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Apache OpenDAL™ fuse3 integration

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fuse3_opendal is an fuse3 implementation using opendal.

This crate can help you to access ANY storage services by mounting locally by FUSE.


use fuse3::path::Session;
use fuse3::MountOptions;
use fuse3::Result;
use fuse3_opendal::Filesystem;
use opendal::services::Memory;
use opendal::Operator;

async fn test() -> Result<()> {
// Build opendal Operator.
let op = Operator::new(Memory::default())?.finish();

// Build fuse3 file system.
let fs = Filesystem::new(op, 1000, 1000);

// Configure mount options.
let mount_options = MountOptions::default();

// Start a fuse3 session and mount it.
let mut mount_handle = Session::new(mount_options)
.mount_with_unprivileged(fs, "/tmp/mount_test")
let handle = &mut mount_handle;

tokio::select! {
res = handle => res?,
_ = tokio::signal::ctrl_c() => {



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