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Object Store

Apache OpenDAL™ object_store integration

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object_store_opendal is an object_store implementation using opendal.

This crate can help you to access 30 more storage services with the same object_store API.


opendal_store_opendal depends on the opendal crate. Please make sure to always use the latest versions of both.

latest object_store_opendal Crate

latest opendal Crate

1. using object_store API to access S3

Add the following dependencies to your Cargo.toml with correct version:

object_store = "0.11.0"
object_store_opendal = "xxx" # see the latest version above
opendal = { version = "xxx", features = ["services-s3"] } # see the latest version above

Build OpendalStore via opendal::Operator:

use std::sync::Arc;

use bytes::Bytes;
use object_store::path::Path;
use object_store::ObjectStore;
use object_store_opendal::OpendalStore;
use opendal::services::S3;
use opendal::{Builder, Operator};

async fn main() {
let builder = S3::from_map(
("access_key".to_string(), "my_access_key".to_string()),
("secret_key".to_string(), "my_secret_key".to_string()),
("endpoint".to_string(), "my_endpoint".to_string()),
("region".to_string(), "my_region".to_string()),

// Create a new operator
let operator = Operator::new(builder).unwrap().finish();

// Create a new object store
let object_store = Arc::new(OpendalStore::new(operator));

let path = Path::from("data/nested/test.txt");
let bytes = Bytes::from_static(b"hello, world! I am nested.");

object_store.put(&path, bytes.clone().into()).await.unwrap();

let content = object_store

assert_eq!(content, bytes);

2. querying data in a S3 bucket using DataFusion

Add the following dependencies to your Cargo.toml with correct version:

object_store = "0.11.0"
object_store_opendal = "xxx" # see the latest version above
opendal = { version = "xxx", features = ["services-s3"] } # see the latest version above
datafusion = "44.0.0"
url = "2.5.2"

Build OpendalStore via opendal::Operator and register it to DataFusion:

use datafusion::error::DataFusionError;
use datafusion::error::Result;
use datafusion::prelude::*;
use opendal::services::S3;
use opendal::Operator;
use std::sync::Arc;
use url::Url;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let ctx = SessionContext::new();

// Configure OpenDAL for S3
let region = "my_region";
let bucket_name = "my_bucket";
let builder = S3::default()
let op = Operator::new(builder)
.map_err(|err| DataFusionError::External(Box::new(err)))?
let store = object_store_opendal::OpendalStore::new(op);

// Register the object store
let path = format!("s3://{bucket_name}");
let s3_url = Url::parse(&path).unwrap();
ctx.register_object_store(&s3_url, Arc::new(store));

// Register CSV file as a table
let path = format!("s3://{bucket_name}/csv/data.csv");
ctx.register_csv("trips", &path, CsvReadOptions::default())

// Execute the query
let df = ctx.sql("SELECT * FROM trips LIMIT 10").await?;
// Print the results;

// Dynamic query using the file path directly
let ctx = ctx.enable_url_table();
let df = ctx
.sql(format!(r#"SELECT * FROM '{}' LIMIT 10"#, &path).as_str())
// Print the results;


WASM support

To build with wasm32-unknown-unknown target, you need to enable the send_wrapper feature:

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --features send_wrapper


The first and most prominent mentions must use the full form: Apache OpenDAL™ of the name for any individual usage (webpage, handout, slides, etc.) Depending on the context and writing style, you should use the full form of the name sufficiently often to ensure that readers clearly understand the association of both the OpenDAL project and the OpenDAL software product to the ASF as the parent organization.

For more details, see the Apache Product Name Usage Guide.

License and Trademarks

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:

Apache OpenDAL, OpenDAL, and Apache are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.