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Apache OpenDAL™ Beijing Meetup 1st

· 2 min read

Hello, everyone!

On behalf of the OpenDAL community, I'm pleased to announce that the first Apache OpenDAL™ Beijing Meetup will be held on September 14th.

You are welcome to register for this event at:

The event will take place at 北京市朝阳区北辰西路 8 号北辰世纪中心A座12层1215房间(国家会议中心西面的写字楼) on the afternoon of September 14th.


  • 12:00 - 13:00: Lunch / Networking (food provided)
  • 13:00 - 14:00: Welcome / Introductions
  • 14:00 - 15:00: Talks
  • 15:00 - 15:30: Coffee / Email Break
  • 15:30 - 16:30: Breakouts / Discussions
  • 16:30 - 17:00: Close / Conclusion


Brief introductory remarks, thank to the sponsor, outline of the day, participant introductions (name, github handle, optional affiliation, optional reason you came to the meetup)


Five 10-15 minute talks about opendal.

Breakouts / Discussions

The idea is that we will break into small groups for 3 x 20 minute sessions. I will ring a gong or something similar every 20 minutes and you should find a new group to discuss.

Potential seed topics (but obviously feel free to discuss anything):

  • How do we make it easier for people to build systems on OpenDAL? What are the current barriers to community growth as you see them?
  • How do we make it easier for people to contribute back to OpenDAL? What are the current barriers to contribution
  • What features would you like to see / not see

Ideally, in each session, one or more people would volunteer to write up any insights they got from the discussions, and post them to the overall ticket.

Looking forward to meet you in this meetup!