Type Alias opendal::operator_futures::FutureWrite

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pub type FutureWrite<F> = OperatorFuture<(OpWrite, OpWriter, Buffer), Metadata, F>;
Expand description

Future that generated by Operator::write_with.

Users can add more options by public functions provided by this struct.

Aliased Type§

struct FutureWrite<F> { /* private fields */ }



impl<F: Future<Output = Result<Metadata>>> FutureWrite<F>


pub fn executor(self, executor: Executor) -> Self

Set the executor for this operation.


pub fn append(self, v: bool) -> Self

Sets append mode for this write request.


Check Capability::write_can_append before using this feature.

  • By default, write operations overwrite existing files
  • When append is set to true:
    • New data will be appended to the end of existing file
    • If file doesn’t exist, it will be created
  • If not supported, will return an error

This operation allows adding data to existing files instead of overwriting them.

use bytes::Bytes;

let _ = op.write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096]).append(true).await?;

pub fn chunk(self, v: usize) -> Self

Sets chunk size for buffered writes.


Check Capability::write_multi_min_size and Capability::write_multi_max_size for size limits.

  • By default, OpenDAL sets optimal chunk size based on service capabilities
  • When chunk size is set:
    • Data will be buffered until reaching chunk size
    • One API call will be made per chunk
    • Last chunk may be smaller than chunk size
  • Important considerations:
    • Some services require minimum chunk sizes (e.g. S3’s EntityTooSmall error)
    • Smaller chunks increase API calls and costs
    • Larger chunks increase memory usage, but improve performance and reduce costs
§Performance Impact

Setting appropriate chunk size can:

  • Reduce number of API calls
  • Improve overall throughput
  • Lower operation costs
  • Better utilize network bandwidth
use bytes::Bytes;

// Set 8MiB chunk size - data will be sent in one API call at close
let _ = op
    .write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096])
    .chunk(8 * 1024 * 1024)

pub fn concurrent(self, v: usize) -> Self

Sets concurrent write operations for this writer.

  • By default, OpenDAL writes files sequentially
  • When concurrent is set:
    • Multiple write operations can execute in parallel
    • Write operations return immediately without waiting if tasks space are available
    • Close operation ensures all writes complete in order
    • Memory usage increases with concurrency level
  • If not supported, falls back to sequential writes

This feature significantly improves performance when:

  • Writing large files
  • Network latency is high
  • Storage service supports concurrent uploads like multipart uploads
§Performance Impact

Setting appropriate concurrency can:

  • Increase write throughput
  • Reduce total write time
  • Better utilize available bandwidth
  • Trade memory for performance
use bytes::Bytes;

// Enable concurrent writes with 8 parallel operations at 128B chunk.
let _ = op.write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096]).chunk(128).concurrent(8).await?;

pub fn cache_control(self, v: &str) -> Self

Sets Cache-Control header for this write operation.


Check Capability::write_with_cache_control before using this feature.

  • If supported, sets Cache-Control as system metadata on the target file
  • The value should follow HTTP Cache-Control header format
  • If not supported, the value will be ignored

This operation allows controlling caching behavior for the written content.

§Use Cases
  • Setting browser cache duration
  • Configuring CDN behavior
  • Optimizing content delivery
  • Managing cache invalidation
use bytes::Bytes;

// Cache content for 7 days (604800 seconds)
let _ = op
    .write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096])

pub fn content_type(self, v: &str) -> Self

Sets Content-Type header for this write operation.


Check Capability::write_with_content_type before using this feature.

  • If supported, sets Content-Type as system metadata on the target file
  • The value should follow MIME type format (e.g. “text/plain”, “image/jpeg”)
  • If not supported, the value will be ignored

This operation allows specifying the media type of the content being written.

use bytes::Bytes;

// Set content type for plain text file
let _ = op
    .write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096])

pub fn content_disposition(self, v: &str) -> Self


Sets Content-Disposition header for this write request.


Check Capability::write_with_content_disposition before using this feature.

  • If supported, sets Content-Disposition as system metadata on the target file
  • The value should follow HTTP Content-Disposition header format
  • Common values include:
    • inline - Content displayed within browser
    • attachment - Content downloaded as file
    • attachment; filename="example.jpg" - Downloaded with specified filename
  • If not supported, the value will be ignored

This operation allows controlling how the content should be displayed or downloaded.

use bytes::Bytes;

let _ = op
    .write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096])
    .content_disposition("attachment; filename=\"filename.jpg\"")

pub fn content_encoding(self, v: &str) -> Self

Sets Content-Encoding header for this write request.


Check Capability::write_with_content_encoding before using this feature.

  • If supported, sets Content-Encoding as system metadata on the target file
  • The value should follow HTTP Content-Encoding header format
  • Common values include:
    • gzip - Content encoded using gzip compression
    • deflate - Content encoded using deflate compression
    • br - Content encoded using Brotli compression
    • identity - No encoding applied (default value)
  • If not supported, the value will be ignored

This operation allows specifying the encoding applied to the content being written.

use bytes::Bytes;

let _ = op
    .write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096])

pub fn if_match(self, s: &str) -> Self

Sets If-Match header for this write request.


Check Capability::write_with_if_match before using this feature.

  • If supported, the write operation will only succeed if the target’s ETag matches the specified value
  • The value should be a valid ETag string
  • Common values include:
    • A specific ETag value like "686897696a7c876b7e"
    • * - Matches any existing resource
  • If not supported, the value will be ignored

This operation provides conditional write functionality based on ETag matching, helping prevent unintended overwrites in concurrent scenarios.

use bytes::Bytes;

let _ = op
    .write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096])

pub fn if_none_match(self, s: &str) -> Self

Sets If-None-Match header for this write request.

Note: Certain services, like s3, support if_not_exists but not if_none_match. Use if_not_exists if you only want to check whether a file exists.


Check Capability::write_with_if_none_match before using this feature.

  • If supported, the write operation will only succeed if the target’s ETag does not match the specified value
  • The value should be a valid ETag string
  • Common values include:
    • A specific ETag value like "686897696a7c876b7e"
    • * - Matches if the resource does not exist
  • If not supported, the value will be ignored

This operation provides conditional write functionality based on ETag non-matching, useful for preventing overwriting existing resources or ensuring unique writes.

use bytes::Bytes;

let _ = op
    .write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096])

pub fn if_not_exists(self, b: bool) -> Self

Sets the condition that write operation will succeed only if target does not exist.


Check Capability::write_with_if_not_exists before using this feature.

  • If supported, the write operation will only succeed if the target path does not exist
  • Will return error if target already exists
  • If not supported, the value will be ignored

This operation provides a way to ensure write operations only create new resources without overwriting existing ones, useful for implementing “create if not exists” logic.

use bytes::Bytes;

let _ = op
    .write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096])

pub fn user_metadata( self, data: impl IntoIterator<Item = (String, String)>, ) -> Self

Sets user metadata for this write request.


Check Capability::write_with_user_metadata before using this feature.

  • If supported, the user metadata will be attached to the object during write
  • Accepts key-value pairs where both key and value are strings
  • Keys are case-insensitive in most services
  • Services may have limitations for user metadata, for example:
    • Key length is typically limited (e.g., 1024 bytes)
    • Value length is typically limited (e.g., 4096 bytes)
    • Total metadata size might be limited
    • Some characters might be forbidden in keys
  • If not supported, the metadata will be ignored

User metadata provides a way to attach custom metadata to objects during write operations. This metadata can be retrieved later when reading the object.

use bytes::Bytes;

let _ = op
    .write_with("path/to/file", vec![0; 4096])
        ("language".to_string(), "rust".to_string()),
        ("author".to_string(), "OpenDAL".to_string()),